Frequently Asked Questions

Do your deodorants contain aluminium?

We don't add aluminium salts or hidden aluminium compounds like Kaolin or Bentonite to our deodorants. Our deodorant formulas are practically aluminium-free.

Do your deodorants contain sodium bicarbonate?

Our deodorants opt for Magnesium Hydroxide as a superior alternative to sodium bicarbonate (baking soda). Read more here.

Do your deodorants prevent me from sweating?

Our deodorants control body odour and allow for natural perspiration. They contain moisture absorbent ingredients to manage occasional sweating.

Do your deodorants cover up body odour?

Our deodorants use multiple mechanisms to combat body odour instead of just masking it. The primary approach is to hinder bacterial growth, as their byproducts cause armpit odour. Additionally, we've incorporated ingredients to absorb excess sweat and counteract these bacterial byproducts. Our deodorants have a subtle scent and are designed to prevent body odour rather than masking it. However, the active ingredients are highly effective and can even address early-stage body odour in situations where water and soap aren't at hand. Apply the product as soon as possible and properly freshen up when you get the chance.

Will your deodorants stain my clothes?

Our deodorants are designed not to stain clothes. However, they do contain oils, waxes, and white powders. To play it safe, we recommend waiting a few minutes after applying the deodorant to allow it to fully absorb into your skin. Applying it excessively may leave a white oily residue, which can be easily removed with the next machine wash (use a setting with a water temperature of 40°C or higher if the fabric allows it).

Are your products certified organic?

Achieving organic certifications for all ingredients or products is not our primary goal, but we prioritise sourcing high-quality, sustainable, and ethically responsible ingredients. If certified organic options are available and suitable, we will use them. In fact, many of our ingredients are already certified organic. We currently do not make any organic claims for specific products or ingredients due to changes in certifications during our supplier network extension. However, our beeswax is always certified organic to ensure animal health and well-being standards.

Are your products vegan and cruelty-free?

Many of our products are vegan-friendly and all of them are cruelty-free. None of our products have been tested on animals, in compliance with our ethical principles and Australian law (testing of cosmetic products on animals is forbidden since July 2020).

Do your products contain palm oil?

To date, all of our products are free from palm oil and its derivatives. However, as we extend our product range, avoiding the use of palm oil may not always be possible. Given the ubiquity of palm oil-derived cosmetic ingredients, this poses a significant challenge. Some of these ingredients have unique characteristics that cannot be easily replaced by alternatives from other sources. We value transparency, and you can find a product impact statement for each of our products on their respective product pages.

Are you plastic-free?

YES, YES and YES. We are proud to be plastic-free. It was a big challenge to package our products truly plastic free (including bioplastics). We don't use offset schemes to become plastic-free or plastic negative. Everything that leaves our warehouse is compostable or recyclable and FREE FROM PLASTIC. However, we still encounter some plastic during our daily operations. We are now working on reducing the amount of plastic in our supply chain.

Are you carbon neutral?

We are carbon neutral for scope 1 emissions, which is the electricity that we use for our production. We ship with Australia Post which uses a carbon offset program to achieve carbon neutrality. However, this doesn’t mean our job is done. We aim to source 100 % renewable electricity for our operation.

Learn more about our Sustainability Roadmap here.