
 We would like to show you what we have achieved so far and what we plan to do in future!

 Where are we at?

  • Our most significant accomplishment to date is our commitment to plastic-free shipments from our warehouse. This includes plant-based plastics, which, while touted as eco-friendly, often find their way into landfills due to limited recycling options and the reluctance of most commercial composting facilities to process them.
  • We give back: 50% of our profits support environmental and social causes, as well as research.
  • On paper we are carbon neutral. All carbon emissions from the electricity we use for our production, are offset certified by our electricity retailer and we ship carbon neutral with Australia Post. Don’t be fooled, CO2 offset programs are often not removing any CO2 from the atmosphere, and our carbon footprint is most certainly not zero. That’s why we have set more ambitious milestones for the future.

This will be an exciting journey and we have big goals that we want to achieve:

  • 100 % renewable energy - We want the sun, wind and water to power our operations. This is different from green energy, which uses carbon offset programs to achieve carbon neutrality.
  • True Carbon Neutrality. Offsetting carbon emissions for every step of the product lifecycle with offset programs that truly remove carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.
  • We are working on removing all mineral oil-based plastics from our supply chain and are successively replacing them with sustainable alternatives.
  • Improved packaging solutions: currently, all our product packaging is 100 % recyclable. As our brand’s name indicates, we aim to have products that fulfill their purpose but are not made to last in the environment including their packaging. We are working on innovative packaging solutions to achieve this goal.
  • Ethical supply chain. We estimate that several hundred people around the world are part of our supply chain. For the larger part of it our insight ends once we trace ingredients back to our Australian suppliers. We want to change that to make sure that human rights and fair working conditions are met throughout the whole product life cycle.

We are passionate about this, and we take our commitment to the environment and society very seriously. We hope to see you join our journey!


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